
Special feature: Action Agriculture

The Action Agriculture site at Southern Field Days featured the distinctive Keenan wagons and the iconic red and yellow Seppi M. mulchers

There was action aplenty at Southern Field Days, particularly at the Action Agriculture site, with the distinctive Keenan green wagons and the iconic red and yellow Seppi M. mulchers proving a definite drawcard.

Based in the Waikato and with a sales yard in Southland, Action Ag is a family-owned and run business and has been the New Zealand distributor of the popular Keenan brand since 2021.

The Southern Field Days Keenan line-up included mixer wagons available in the original horizontal design, as well as vertical mixers (available in twin or triple augers).

The range also includes the Orbital Muck Spreader, capable of spreading liquids through to solid waste, thanks to its sealed lining.


Carey Brier and the Keenan VA2-30

Keenan machinery has been specifically designed to meet the needs and demands of the New Zealand farming and agriculture industry.

Action Ag is also the New Zealand distributor for Seppi M. mulchers, offering a range of tractor-mounted options to suit horticultural, viticultural, and agricultural applications. Seppi M. also caters to the commercial and forestry sectors with excavator-mounted mulching and stump grinding units suitable for excavators​ from five tonnes to 45 tonnes.

With the range including heavy-duty units to handle gorse and forest work, some models are designed to fit excavators for serious mulching.

Action Ag is also the North Island dealer for Swift Sprayers and a Waikato dealer for both Hardi and Krone. The agricultural equipment dealership provides sales, parts, and service across its range of brands.  

For more information, visit actionagriculture.co.nz

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