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Osborne Sales and Lease

Thames St

Morrinsville, Waikato

Osborne Sales and Lease


Title 2021 CHALLENGER 965E
Type Tractors
Sub Type Tractors
Model 965E
Year 2021
Sale Price 595,000 excl GST $684,250
Listing Type Used
Stock Number 4401
RefCode TA1113175
Drive Type4WD
Rated Engine Power - hp550
Usage Hours3375


Mt965E AG spec articulated tractor
Engine AGCO Power - 12-cylinder, 16.8l
Rotating beacons
7 pin rocker switches
Cover group-w/o subwoofer
Rear cab visors
Radar-w/ slip control
Accessory bar
"Am/FM weather band radio with bt, USB
"Decals, challenger"
Reverse alarm for drawbar
Film AR-no text (international)
Corrosion protection
Side cab visors
Completing AR LRC - English
Cab AR - basic (telemetry ready with harness)
HVAR - basic
"Cab lights, 6 halogen"
"Auto guide ready, mounting AR (includes wiring harness,
Switch, top dock bracket and mounting hard
Steering GP -electric
Speaker set, basic
Deluxe wipers 950.00 190.00 760.00
No air compressor
Wiring AR - vehicle
Guard GP- fan
Flat face couplers, implement case drains
Hydraulic AR - common
Chassis AR - common
Power beyond drawbar 800.00 160.00 640.00
Hitch - swinging drawbar cat 5
Armrest - valves, 4 for standard or drawbar hitch
Pump ar-hyd implement 85 gpm
Drain GP - ecology
Implement valves-4
No hydraulic trailer brakes
Lighting GP-front fndr
Lighting GP-rear fndr
Transmission 16 speed cat
Differential lock
Powertrain AR (w/o PTO
Front weight, bracket only
Factory installed wheel weights (3000 lb (rear wheel)
Equal Duals 800/70R38 Goodyear

Auto guide ready, mounting AR (includes wiring harness)