
Profile: FarmTrenz

Farmtrenz Farm Monitoring Systems specialise in electronic fail-safes for effluent systems

According to a leader in farm electronic monitoring, effluent monitoring at the irrigator is the best way of ensuring fail-safe application, since this is the place where the effluent is applied and the first place to look if a problem arises with the irrigator.

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To help with this, the TIM, KIM and PIM system designed and manufactured by Electronic Specialists can be remote started from the irrigator, allowing the user to start the system and visually see it is working correctly before continuing on to the next job – giving peace of mind and eliminating an unnecessary trip to the pump shed to start the system.

The heart of this system is the Hub which displays the pond level, current status and why the pump may have stopped – for example, the pond is too low, or the irrigator has reached the end of its travel.

For ease-of-use the Hub is installed in the dairy shed, allowing the user to quickly see the status of the system and providing quick access to functions such as starting the agitator, transfer or greenwash.

Another bonus of having the Hub in the dairy shed is that it can be connected to a farmer’s computer where all the information from the Farmtrenz family of field devices can be graphed onto farm monitoring software proving historical and live data.

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If you require alerts for milk vat temperature, sump or tank levels, or even just to receive the irrigator’s status, then adding a texting unit will provide this information. 

With more than 60 different Farmtrenz alerts available, there will be at least one or two to suit your needs.

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