
Farm Advice: Meeting environmental targets with plantain

For around two decades, DairyNZ has focused on developing farm systems that reduce environmental footprint while maintaining profitable farm businesses


This is part of my passion, bringing farmers and scientists together to develop the information and tools required to run profitable businesses while improving environmental outcomes.

I’m pleased to lead the Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures’ Plantain Practice and Potency Programme, which is helping farmers achieve exactly that goal. The programme is a collaborative research initiative that aims to substantially reduce nitrogen lost to freshwater and greenhouse gases by using Ecotain plantain.

The programme is funded by DairyNZ, Ministry for Primary Industries, PGG Wrightson Seeds, and Fonterra, working with six additional research and delivery partners. It builds on existing research and extension projects.

We’ve achieved some exciting results so far. Ecotain plantain pastures at our Massey University farm reduced nitrate leaching by 20 to 60% over two years, with no impact on milk production. Our Lincoln University trial is showing similar trends after one year. The range in results is due to the amount of plantain in the pastures and differences in annual rainfall.

Ecotain plantain is used in our research trials because it has proven environmental benefits. Through the programme,we’re developing an evaluation system to assess the environmental effects of other plantain cultivars.

Ecotain plantain reduces nitrate leaching by diluting urinary nitrogen and reducing the amount of nitrogen excreted as urine. The plant also changes the urine so that when it’s returned to the soil, it’s held in a less leachable form for longer.

We know that farmers have tough nitrogen leaching targets to meet. Canterbury, Horizons, and Bay of Plenty regional councils are currently recognising plantain as a mitigation option.

Plantain is fairly easy to integrate into farm systems, although, there are some challenges, such as maintaining the levels of plantain needed to achieve significant nitrogen leaching reductions. We’re working with more than 20 farmers nationwide to develop regionally specific management practices and assess the cost and benefits for businesses.
Tools and information for farmers interested in plantain are available at dairynz.co.nz/plantain.

DairyNZ Farmers’ Forum

We will be showcasing the findings of the Plantain programme at the upcoming DairyNZ Farmers’ Forum events, and farmers can hear about other DairyNZ research and solutions available.There are two in-person events in Waikato and Canterbury, which are free for levy-paying dairy farmers and their staff.

Don Rowlands Centre, Karapiro
Thursday, 27 April 2023

Ashburton Events Centre, Ashburton
Tuesday, 9 May 2023

For more information visit dairynz.co.nz/farmers-forum-2023.

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