Check out this short video of the Sumo Trio in action…
I caught up with the Sumo Trio operating near Winslow, south of Ashburton in Canterbury, where it was cultivating burnt-off wheat stubble in a single pass before drilling. It was being pulled by a Case Magnum 280 which definitely knew the 3.5-metre-wide Sumo was behind it, although was managing a respectable 10 to 12 kilometres an hour with a fuel consumption around 45 litres an hour. In my rough calculations, that does work out to be pretty economical, although you do need a decent amount of horsepower on tap.
The legs were working down to around 300mm and removing any compaction, even in the tramlines and the discs were doing an excellent job mixing and breaking up the soil on top. Although burnt stubble is probably the easiest test for any machine, the finish left after one pass was a reasonably fine, firm seed bed which I would be happy to drill straight into.