FORD 4600
Title | FORD 4600 |
Type | Tractors |
Sub Type | Tractors |
Make | FORD |
Model | 4600 |
Sale Price | 14850 $15,400 |
Listing Type | Used |
Stock Number | S77 |
RefCode | TA1182843 |
Drive Type | 2WD |
Number Cylinders/cc | 3 |
Rated Engine Power - hp | 62 |
Usage Hours | 227 |
Ford 4600 tractor complete with clip on crowd action loader in very tidy condition starts and runs well all good tires lights all work . New dash fitted showing 0277.8 hours . this a 3 cylinder model diesel
62 horse power . with power steering and wet brakes
62 horse power . with power steering and wet brakes